I'm pretty well hidden. But the guy in the white all the way to the left... mi profesor de espanol.
And yes, we are grilling.
I make a mean hamburger.
By the way... our football team is 0-7... and we play G-View next... : 0 : 0 : 0
I think i may just go to the golf tournament.
With baseball, we're getting a few days a week on the field. I went and played a double-header the other day for a select team.
I squared around to bunt due to my exceptional speed... : )
And was promptly beaned by the starting pitcher from Midlo.
He only throws mid to high 80's...
I'd put a picture of where i got hit... but i kinda can't.
Inside left leg... about an inch and a half below my waist... right to the left of everything...
I got lucky. : )
College football gives me heartburn.
So do the Yankees.
And with that... I take my leave.
Trunk or Treat is tonight, and i'm suppossed to be a referee for a bounce house.
: ) I even got me a lil' whistle.
I'll try to keep this thing updated with the life and times of.... me. : )
P.S. The Dolphins WILL be the first 0-16 team in NFL history. ***Can I get a quote???*** : ) : ) : )